Employers & Clients
NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Communications or NTT Com), is a subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) Corporation the world's largest telecommunicationscompanies doing over $211 Billion dollars in business per year. NTT Com provides network management, security and solution services to consumers, corporations and governments.
NTT Com Group has more than 30 companies in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and the Americas. The company has garnered several awards for its leading edge technologies, outstanding performance and customer service, including "World Communication Awards Best Customer Care - 2005." |
AT&T Inc. is the largest provider of both local and long distance telephone services, DSLInternet access and wireless service in the United States with 71.4 million wireless customers and more than 150 million total customers. In 2005, "Baby Bell" SBC Communications Inc. purchased former "Ma Bell" AT&T Corporation and then changed the name of the company after the merger to the more iconic AT&T moniker and the T stock-trading symbol (for "telephone").
The current AT&T includes eleven of the original Bell Operating Companies, and the originallong distance division. While it reconstitutes much of the former Bell System, AT&T Inc. lacks the vertical integration of the historic AT&T Corp. which prompted the antitrust suit andbreakup in 1984. The company was honored at the 2008 Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards for development of coaxial cable technology. |
VERIO was initially built on a business model known as a "rollup", composed entirely of smaller companies operating under the Verio brand-name. By the year 2000, Verio had purchased almost fifty small ISPs, most in the U.S. but some in Europe, ranging in price from under a million dollars (USD) to over 100 million dollars per ISP. These companies were often mature and well known brand names in their local markets, more well known than Verio, and often continued to operate with a great deal of local autonomy even after purchase by Verio. Some of the ISPs purchased by Verio were leading pioneers in the ISP industry, representing the first wave of commercial ISP access in local markets around the US and Europe.
Sabre Airline Solutions is a subsidiary of Sabre Holdings. The main product of Sabre Airline Solutions is the SabreSonic system. This provides departure control, reservations, and, inventory management. Other products include resource management, fares and revenue management, data services, and frequent flyer systems. Sabre Airline Solutions newly acquired Swedish owned company RM Rocade, merging in a cost-efficient product suite for small and mid-size carriers to whom price is a heavy deciding factor. The new acquisition makes Sabre Airline Solutions one of the largest-covering players in the airline software market.
The mission of Mental Health Mental Retardation of Tarrant County (MHMRTC) is to Help the people of Tarrant County overcome the problems associated with mental illness, mental retardation, autism, addictive behaviors, and early childhood developmental delays by ensuring the availability of quality services.
NCR was acquired September 19, 1991 by AT&T for $7.4 billion and was joined with Teradata Corporation on February 28, 1992. As an AT&T subsidiary, its 1992 year-end headcount was 53,800 employees and contractors.[5] By 1993, the subsidiary produced a year-end $1.287 billion net loss on $7.265 billion in revenue. The net losses continued in 1994 and 1995, losses that required repeated subsidies from the parent company and resulted in a 1995 year-end headcount of 41,100.[5] During these three years, AT&T was the former NCR's largest customer, accounting for over $1.5 billion in revenue.[5]
For a while, starting in 1994 the subsidiary was renamed AT&T Global Information Solutions, but in 1995, AT&T decided to spin-off the company, and in 1996, changed its name back to NCR in preparation for a spin-off. The company outlined its reasons for the spin-off in an Information Statement sent to its stockholders, which cited, in addition to "changes in customer needs" and "need for focused management time and attention", the following: Advantages of vertical integration which had motivated ATT's earlier acquisition of NCR are outweighed by its costs and disadvantages to varying degrees, many of the actual and potential customers of Lucent and NCR are or will be competitors of AT&T's communications services businesses. NCR believes that its efforts to target the communications industry have been hindered by the reluctance of AT&T's communications services competitors to make purchases from an AT&T subsidiary. NCR re-emerged as a stand-alone company on January 1, 1997. |